Hoover Eco-Action Green Flag School
The Hoover Eco-Action Team has been hard at work implementing the Eco-Schools U.S.A. guidelines to become a green flag school with the National Wildlife Federation. Hoover has chosen 5 pathways to work on under these guidelines. These include Energy, Consumption & Waste, Schoolyard Habitats, Biodiverstiy and Healthy Living. We have recently been awarded the green flag; the highest award from the National Wildlife Federation!
Since beginning our journey in 2014, we have done the following:
*implemented a paper recycling program in which we receive yearly grants for weighing and recording our data
*monitored and reduced our energy use
*designed and planted butterfly and biodiversity gardens
*worked with Eagle Scouts to implement two projects (our Outdoor Classroom and Nature Trail)
*partnered with GM on an Eco-Green project in which we recycle water bottles to be used in car parts and coats/sleeping bags for the homeless
*worked closely with Mr. O on the Healthy Living pathway to provide students and families with activities and opportunities to exercise and spend more time outdoors
*Mrs. Skibinski and Mrs. Jungwirth partnered with a sister school in Taiwan to work on concurrent biodiversity projects
The eco-action movement is a community effort that involves students, teachers, parents, and the greater community to create a sustainable future. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Shawn Grose at smgrose13@gmail.com or Jen Jungwirth at jjungwir2@livoniapublicschools.org
To learn more about the NWF Eco-Schools program and the various pathways, please go the NWF website.
Our Eco-Action team has its own YouTube Channel as well! It is called the Hoover Eco-Action Team Channel. Click here to view our latest videos: Live From the Dumpster.
For the latest news from the Eco-Action team, please join our Facebook page, called Hoover Eco-Action Community Page.